Toontuloon Ltd

Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel brings Maltese traditions to life through a heartwarming animated series, bridging generations and keeping cultural heritage alive.

A nostalgic animated series sharing Malta’s past, sparking curiosity in kids and memories for older generations. With partial funding from The Melita Foundation, Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel is set in the 1950s and follows Karamellu, a bright young boy discovering the world around him in a close-knit village. The series showcases everyday life from the past in a fun and engaging way. Narrated in Maltese with traditional words and phrases, it brings cultural heritage to modern audiences, ensuring these stories live on for years to come.

Making a difference together

Since starting in 2020, The Melita Foundation has backed many projects run by different groups and backgrounds. From local STEM skills for school kids in the Three Cities to global stuff like planting trees, ESG awareness, teaching maritime law and conservation and ensuring our heritage is well taken care of.

Check out all the amazing projects here.